Setting up a sitemap

This section details all of the steps from a minimum working example, through to a fully configured Sitemapper sitemap. In general this process is very simple, and mirrors Django’s own sitemaps, with only minor differences which are explained below.

Getting Started

Create a file within your app directory and add the following (replacing MyModel with whatever you called yours):

# project/myapp/
from sitemapper.sitemaps import Sitemap
from .models import MyModel

class MyModelSitemap(Sitemap):

    # You'll need a queryset...
    queryset = MyModel.objects.all()

From this point onwards you can use MyModelSitemap as you would any other sitemaps instance.

In your root set up the sitemap as you would normally:

# project/
from django.contrib.sitemaps.views import sitemap
from myapp.sitemaps import MyModelSitemap

sitemaps = {
    'mymodel': MyModelSitemap,

urlpatterns = [
    # Your other patterns here

    url(r'^sitemap\.xml', sitemap, {'sitemaps': sitemaps},


As you can see, the URL configuration is exactly the same as for Django’s built-in sitemaps. If you need more information on those see Django’s sitemaps documentation for lots more details.


For this simplistic configuration the output of /sitemaps.xml will contain the <loc> URL for each object in your queryset.

It will only show <changefreq> and <priority> if these have been assigned via a SitemapEntry.

The <lastmod> field will not be displayed since we haven’t, yet, defined how to find it.

Setting Defaults

So, lets make our sitemap a little more informative. We’ll keep using our basic urlconf for the moment:

# project/myapp/
from sitemapper.sitemaps import Sitemap
from .models import MyModel

class MyModelSitemap(Sitemap):

    # You'll need a queryset...
    queryset = MyModel.objects.all()

    # Assign some sensible defaults...
    default_changefreq = 'weekly'
    default_priority = 0.5

Here we’ve defined two new attributes: default_changefreq and default_priority. Like Django’s own Sitemap class these, as you might guess, allow you define the default values to use. But, unlike Django’s Sitemap class these will be overridden if a model instance has a changefreq or priority value assigned via a SitemapEntry.


Make sure you don’t accidentally override the changefreq or priority attributes, as doing so will prevent that data being picked up from the SitemapEntry.

Getting the Timestamp

The final stage of fully configuring our sitemap is to get the last-modfied date or time:

# project/myapp/
from sitemapper.sitemaps import Sitemap
from .models import MyModel

class MyModelSitemap(Sitemap):

    # You'll need a queryset...
    queryset = MyModel.objects.all()

    # Assign some sensible defaults...
    default_changefreq = 'weekly'
    default_priority = 0.5

    # Get the date-/time-stamp
    def lastmod(self, item):
      return item.lastmodified